Mac Helps Elaine Write & Speak

Since her first Mac in 1984 Elaine Hardt has appreciated her computer. Starting off with writing for her class of third graders, then writing for parents, her college students, and teachers the Mac has been a great help. That first ImageWriter printer is long gone, a HP LaserJet 4050N sits on the desk. Her Mac is now a G5 with a 23” Cinema Display. With eight published books and 949 published articles, stories, and poems Elaine encourages others to write, too. Her blog is She heads the Prescott Valley Writers’ Networking which has met weekly for five years, currently meeting in the Parlor of the Windsong Villas. It’s open to both men and women.

Don has picked up computer skills, using his G4 PowerBook. Dan Simpson recently added more memory to both busy computers. Mac does help the Hardts.