May 13, 2023

Meeting will be held in-person at Yavapai College, Building 19 (library building), room 223 and electronic through Zoom.

Guests are welcomed to attend in person or by Zoom.

Click here to request a Zoom guest invitation.

You can add this information in your calendar so you won’t have to search for it in your email. Click here for instructions for adding a Zoom meeting link to your Apple calendar.

Members may share this registration link with anyone who would benefit from a PMUG membership.

Click here and here for more information about Learning to use Zoom.


Long topic: General Security including VPN/Anti-Virus/Malware by Jim Romaine and Frank Croft.
Humans represent the weakest link in cybersecurity. So, what is Apple doing about it, and what can we do about it? This talk will outline the general state of cybersecurity and issues facing both Apple and us Humans. We will discuss security in general terms, and at a later date, talk about specific things Apple is doing on both the Mac and iPhone/iPad.

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)