Watch Out for This

" promises photos but delivers headaches," warns John Carter. "Have you been 'Tagged' lately? Don’t become a victim of this annoying e-mail ploy that automatically signs you up for an expensive voicemail service.

"A radio and TV personality and his wife recently had lunch with another show host and his significant other. After the meal, the first couple received an e-mail from Tagged that said his friend had some pictures available online. They naturally assumed the pictures were taken during their meal together and wanted to see them.

"The catch was that they had to register at in order to view the supposed pictures, according to the e-mail. Once they completed the registration, they received another e-mail saying they had been signed up for a voicemail service. The cost? $14.95/month automatically billed to their home phone number! They immediately called to cancel the service and got a real runaround before they were able to do so.

"Several days later, they received an e-mail from his friend explaining that Tagged is a virus-like program that goes through your address book and falsely blasts out notifications about photos online.

" has a lengthy explanation about the dangers of Tagged. Don't fall for it if you receive an e-mail asking you to register for Tagged. Be sure to let the sender know you received the message, and then direct them to read the Snopes briefing." You can also see what wikipedia reveals about them.